Europe Properties (7,550)
Address: Silvestera Bedričića 2, 53270 Senj The address is not visible on Google Maps, but follow our instructions in the photos and you won’t get lost. You can also come to the Senj Cathedral and call mrs. Ivanka (phone number: +385 99 335 3912 or +385 53 882 527). Right in the city center of […]
For Rent
We have 4 rooms 2 bedrooms (1 person) 1 bedroom with separate beds (2 people) 1 double bedrooms. 1 shared bathroom, huge living room and kitchen and entrance hall Everything is in very good condition, complete rooms, complete kitchen, complete bathroom including washing machine. Ready to use. It is a quiet area where there are […]
For Rent
For rent, a large, air-conditioned, newly decorated room for two (three by agreement) with a private bathroom in an attractive location! A private room option is also possible. THE PRICE INCLUDES UTILITIES (Fast Wifi, electricity, water). The room is located in a large hostel, with several rooms in a residential building. Kitchen, living room are […]
For Rent
We have 4 rooms 2 bedrooms (1 person) 1 bedroom with separate beds (2 people) 1 double bedrooms. 1 shared bathroom, huge living room and kitchen and entrance hall Everything is in very good condition, complete rooms, complete kitchen, complete bathroom including washing machine. Ready to use. It is a quiet area where there are […]
For Rent