COVID-19 – What to expect when visiting properties in France and other EU countries.

COVID-19 – What to expect when visiting properties in France and other EU countries.

COVID-19 – What to expect when visiting properties in France and other EU countries.

As the recent pandemic has affected us all in many ways, we must prepare for the new norm in how we travel, meet and conduct our daily lives. The reality is we need to be aware and adhere the rules of the country you decide to travel to.

Here is a useful link to find out current guidelines for travel including restrictions and quarantine rules when travelling to a country within the EU. It is vital you know that not all countries are the same:

On top of these public guidelines you may also need to be aware of general ‘best practices’ when looking to view a property within Europe. You must be prepared prior to organising a visit.
Here are a few ‘best practices’ that are currently being used in France:

  • If you have any Covid-19 symptom’s do not view a property.
  • Max 2-3 persons to view a property at any one time
  • Regular hand washing/sanitizer – before and after a viewing
  • 1 metre social distancing
  • Wearing of masks or face coverings to limit spread
  • Avoid touching any items within the property, generally all doors will be opened prior to visit to prevent contact
  • When traveling between properties individual car’s must be used, r.e. the estate agent will travel separately to clients.

There is also the STOPCovid app (track & trace) that can be downloaded to your handheld device whilst in France:
Track and Trace App


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