Spain – Digital Nomad Visa

Spain – Digital Nomad Visa

Spain – Digital Nomad Visa

Spain has officially launched the digital nomad visa that is known as “Visado para teletrabajar en España” in Spanish. Basically the scheme is available to non-EU nationals who are able to work remotely in Spain for non-Spanish companies (although applicants can receive up to 20% of their total income from Spanish companies or entities). It allows eligible applicants to stay in Spain for up to 5 years and is open to self employed “freelancers” and also employees that work for a non-Spanish company.

The visas are initially valid for 12 months or for the length of any contract if less than 12  months duration. The visa is then renewed for every 12 months for a maximum of a 5 year stay in total, and successful applicants must spend at least 6months of any 12 month period in Spain. There are a number of requirements including proof of a minimum income of 200% of the current minimum wage in Spain (circa €28k per annum). You also need a clear criminal record from Spain and any country you have been resident in for the  previous 5 years. Private health insurance is also required although it is likely going forward applicants will be able to contribute to the public health scheme and access local healthcare. Further requirements include proving qualifications and relevant experience in their field.

Probably the most attractive aspect of the Spanish digital nomad visa scheme is the accompanying tax incentive – applicants will pay a special rate of just 15% on total earnings below €600k (rather than the normal 24% basic rate plus stepped rates).

We believe this scheme is particularly attractive for digital nomads that can prove they are “self-sufficient” and can support themselves for the duration of the visa. Who wouldn’t want to live in Spain and enjoy the climate, culture, food and wine? Spain is constantly ranked as one of the best countries for expats to settle in and has a very reasonable cost of living when compared to other European countries.

Europe Properties have partners (immigration specialists, legal practitioners and relocation professionals) that can help with all aspects of applying for residency in Spain please enquire here further information.


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